As if the thought of your ex just living and breathing doesn’t gross you out enough already, you can now also safely assume he’s still jerking off to the thought of you.
Yep, I’ll give you a second to really come to terms with that visual before I continue.
In a new masturbation study honoring Masturbation May, sex toy company Lovehoney asked 4,500 people about how frequently they masturbate and what they fantasize about while they’re doing it.
They found that over half of males and females (59 percent of males and 51 percent of females) get down with themselves on the regular, even when they’re in a relationship.
But things really start to get interesting when people admit what it is they’re fantasizing about while they make ~sweet, sweet love~ to themselves.
Check out the rankings below to see the top sexual fantasies for both men and women:
Top five things men fantasize about while they masturbate:
1. Sexual situation involving current partner (69 percent)
2. Sexual situation with a previous partner (58 percent)
3. Erotica seen online or via mobile device (57 percent)
4. Sexual situation involving role play (32 percent)
5. Sexual situation involving BDSM (30 percent)
Top five things women fantasize about while they masturbate:
1. Sexual situation involving current partner (60 percent)
2. Sexual situation with a previous partner (48 percent)
3. Erotica seen online or via mobile device (43 percent)
4. Sexual situation involving BDSM (34 percent)
5. Sexual situations involving roleplay (25 percent)
So, if you’re in a relationship, you can rest assured that your partner is most likely jerking off to the thought of you most of the time.
BUT, you can also safely start to panic that it is very likely your partner is also jerking off to the thought of his or her beloved ex.
I mean, did you read the stats?! OVER half of men (58 percent) and almost half of women (48 percent) admitted to fantasizing about their ex while they masturbate.
I guess all the social media blocking in the world isn’t going to take you out of his wank bank.
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