The amount of time President Donald Trump spends on social media seems to rival that of many Millennials.
To put this into perspective, Trump tweeted nearly 500 times in his first 100 days as president alone.
What the President of the United States says carries weight, regardless of the platform, and can have serious consequences.
Since taking office, Trump has used Twitter to attack the free press and the judiciary, start conspiracy theories about his predecessor and to generally complain about anyone who criticizes him.
Even many of Trump’s supporters have said they think he tweets so much and they wish he would stop.
But, at the end of the day, it often feels like there’s nothing that can be done about it.
Well, that just changed.
If you’re tired of Trump’s tweets, a new nonprofit, Donald Donates, has provided you with an avenue to clap back, bigly.
A group of self-described “bad hombres” completely fed up with Trump’s Twitter fingers recently got together and started Donald Donates.
The nonprofit allows people to donate to the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee and other progressive causes and organizations every single time Trump tweets.
Some of the organizations included are the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), NextGen Climate, Rape Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), Everytown for Gun Safety, International Rescue Committee (IRC), The Trevor Project, Native American Rights Fund, NARAL Pro-Choice America and Town Hall Project, among many others.
You can choose to donate any amount, to any number of causes or organizations — and it happens automatically.
It also takes just three minutes of your time to sign up.
The idea for Donald Donates, which was founded by Adam Gibbs, David Hyatt and Justin Munn, came together not long after Trump’s initial travel ban, back in early February.
Gibbs and Munn recently took some time to speak with Elite Daily about the origins of Donald Donates, how it works and its ultimate goals.
Back in February, Hyatt, a software engineer, told Gibbs he’d come up with a code that allowed him to automatically troll Trump every time he tweeted.
Gibbs, who served as Early Vote Director for Hillary Clinton’s campaign in Ohio, put his political thinking cap on, and came to the conclusion they should use this is a way to raise money for causes they believe in.
Donald Donates launched in late April, roughly two months after Gibbs and Hyatt came up with the idea.
The founders were able to get the site up and running so quickly, as Munn explained, because the three of them had been working on a separate web application about hiking they never launched.
Munn is a front-end developer who’s designed custom websites and logos for a variety of organizations.
Between the three of them, they all had the skills to make this happen.
“We hit the ground and had a lot of the framework from the previous app we’d been working on to get us up and running,” Munn said.
To help organize payment and connect with nonprofits, Donald Donates partnered with Democracy Engine.
The Donald Donates team has also grown. Lamar Rogers, who also worked on Clinton’s campaign, recently hopped on board to help with digital outreach.
So they seem to have their bases covered.
In the few weeks since Donald Donates launched, around 1,000 people signed up, and it’s already generating results.
When Trump went on a tweetstorm on Wednesday, May 10, after he fired FBI Director James Comey, it helped Donald Donates raise about $1,000.

“We think there’s a lot of potential to build this out in a bigger way and make that $1,000 that happened [Wednesday], maybe six months from now we make that $10,000, or $50,000… If we can get more people and spread the word on this, we think there’s potential to raise millions of dollars by the time 2020 rolls around,” Gibbs said.
Donald Donates is a way for everyone to get involved, regardless of background.
The founders of Donald Donates have been friends for awhile, but only one of them, Gibbs, had a strong political background.
But that changed for both Munn and Hyatt after Trump got elected. As Munn explained, it was a “catalyst” for them to take action and use their professional skills to advance causes they believed in.
Everyone involved in Donald Donates is doing this in their free time, and they don’t profit from it whatsoever.
They’re doing this because they feel there’s too much at stake to sit idly by in the era at Trump, and they hope to inspire others to join the cause, or the resistance.
As Munn explained, they’re trying to “lower the barrier of entry for people to get involved with supporting organizations and causes they’re passionate about.”
“A little bit can make a big difference over time,” Munn said. “Just donating a few cents per tweet over the next four years, when you put that together with a lot of people it can make a big difference.”
This is about sending a message to Trump.
Gibbs wants President Trump to know he “doesn’t get a free pass” and “you don’t get to just shoot from the hip on Twitter and say whatever you want without getting called out.”
“We’re going to make sure that [Trump] knows [his] actions come at a cost,” Gibbs added.
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If You Hate Trump’s Tweets, This New App Turns Them Into A Weapon Against Him